Sunday, April 17, 2011

Spring Cleaning!

Thank goodness for "Dudes Weekend"! It is amazing to me how much I get done when Pat is not around! If I had my way we would be together every weekend... only because we have so much fun together. But I do enjoy my weekends alone!
I spent this weekend in. And I mean in! I went to Lowes and the grocery store. That's it.
I washed the sheets on Friday (for the third time this week!) so I would have an opportunity to enjoy one whole weekend, without the smell of sweat, or crumbs in the bed, and the best part...there wasn't melted chocolate all over my pillowcase!! But every morning when I woke up I wanted nothing more then Pat to be there, cuddling with me and Maggs!
I have to admit that I did my fair share of lounging around, but overall I feel that I kept busy. I bought new plants and topiaries for the planters on the front porch and I love the way they turned out.

I also pulled all of my summer clothes out of the attic and packed up the winter ones, which took the good part of Saturday. It is always such a good feeling when it is done!!

Out with the boots and flats, hello heels and wedges!
 My most prized possessions...
As the years go on, I enjoy looking at them more than wearing them!
(does everyone feel sorry for me and my tiny closet?)

Today I did my spring cleaning. I cleaned things that I have not thought of cleaning before! I even had time to make banana muffins for work tomorrow. Hope they are yummy!
Now, Maggie and I, are anxiously awaiting Pats arrival.

Absence really does make the heart grow fonder!!


  1. Do you want to come Spring clean my apartment?

  2. I'm one of those weirdos who loves to clean... so actually I would!!
