Friday, April 14, 2017

Stier Ski Trip

Go big or go home. I guess that's how the Stier family felt when they planned our first ski trip. We went all the way to Montana to Big Sky Resort. We stayed in two beautiful houses which sat directly on the slopes and were surrounded by the most beautiful views. I managed to slip on skis for a short run but I spent most of my time with my tiniest munchkin. When she napped I was able to spend some fun time with Lily, playing in the snow and hanging in the hot tub. Lily (like me) is not a huge fan of the cold weather but surprised us by not missing a beat when it came to playing in the snow. She loved sledding and spent a morning in ski school. Her instructor said she "likes to go fast", no surprise there.

One of Lily's favorite parts of the trip was story time. All of the kids gathered around each night as Jenny read books. Lily always had a front row seat!

We also learned that Lily loves Yoga. Jenny is a yoga instructor so she lead us a few times. Lily silently slipped in behind everyone and very seriously joined in. 

Some of us were able to get away from the caos a few times for a trip into town and some much needed time at the spa!

The beauty of the mountains equals that of the love and memories we will all take away from this trip!

We returned home to beautiful, warm spring weather and have been soaking up the sun ever since!

Our last few nights in Montana were a little rough. Many restless nights lead to a tumble out of bed and her first black eye.

This time of year allows Pat to enjoy a few of his favorite things. This picture depicts them perfectly: jet skis, grilling, his loyal dog and his girls.

Cora turned 7 months! (I completely missed the 6 month picture but it would have looked pretty much just like the following) She is starting to get on all fours but hasn't been able to figure out where to go from there. She prefers standing over sitting and has found her voice, her very loud voice! On the days I work Pat takes Cora to my parents which means they spend Monday and Wednesday mornings together. It hasn't long for him to sneak his way to the top of her people priority list. Her eyes light up when he walks in the room and she whines and teases for him if he doesn't give her his immediate attention. It is so sweet, I don't even mind sharing my coveted position as her favorite person ;)

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