Saturday, February 25, 2017

Sister, Sister

It's not surprising that this post is all about girls but this time it isn't only about my girls. I spent last weekend in the low country at Stier Sisters Weekend. Pat's Aunt Susan hosts the event at her home in Beaufort every year. It is dedicated to sisters, aunts, moms and cousins. It is a child-free event...unless your baby won't take a bottle. This year we had 2 little ones, Cora and Penelope.

Sunset bike ride!

This year my sister-in-law, Jenny thought it would be fun to do a polar bear plunge. Like many of the other ladies, I hadn't planned on participating but threw in a bathing suit just in case. Well, the hype got the best of me; I didn't want to miss out!

It is a fun time to reconnect, relax and take in the most beautiful scenery. It also helps me remember how lucky I am to have married into a wonderful family that is so welcoming and always there for one another.

Now for an update on the sisters in my life:

Cora turned five months old (on Feb, 5) and her personality is starting to come through. One thing we know for sure is that she is stubborn! I will back to my last post -- she had just turned 4 months old and I went back work a few days later. Well it turns out the bottle she took at Christmas was a fluke because she wouldn't take a bottle. Not at all. I know, I know they will eat when they get hungry. NOT! My first day back she went 12 hours without eating. The second day, she still wouldn't eat, and so on. Finally, she started eating yogurt. Now she is happily trying everything we throw her way and enjoying her days with Grammy and Pa. She still won't take a bottle so we are working on the sippy cup but we are all happy now!

She is starting to master sitting up and doesn't have any interest in a playmate. The dogs are becoming some of her favorite things as well as my watch and pretty much anything that isn't a toy. She is starting to allow strangers to hold her but she still prefers me if she's hungry or tired. She loves bouncing and is pretty much always happy if one of her sisters is in her sight.

Not to be out shined, Lily is our constant entertainment. I have loved being able to spend more time with her! I have decided to send her to "school" on Thursday mornings. One so I can spend one-on-one time with Cora, two so I can get some house work done and three, so she isn't asking to go to Mimi's by Saturday morning. She seems to grow every time I turn around! She is filled with silly sayings and there is certainly a void when she's not around. But whew, three year olds! She pushes the limits and is completely irrational. You better cut it right, cook it right, set it right, and say it right. Well sometimes, other times she has no problem rolling with the punches - you never know what you are going to get! She still insists on dresses and changes her outfit multiple times a day, consisting only of her favorites.  I never thought I would be like this but I pretty much let her wear whatever she wants. She only wants to wear her hair "long" so most of the time it's sticky and tangled. Parenting constantly reminds me to never say never!

Valentines Day fondue at Mrs. Dorothy's

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