I am going to try my best to spare you every little detail as I summarize what has happened in our lives over the last week but I am warning you this is going to be lengthy.
It all started Tuesday, November 19. I left my doctors appointment a little disappointed there hadn't been any change from the week before. "...1cm, completely effaced and the baby is low. I'd say you could go at any time." Christie (my mother-in-law) was leaving town in two days and we both hoped she would meet the baby before her departure so I went shopping after my appointment in hopes of getting things moving. For over a week I had been suffering lower back pain because the baby was in the posterior position so lots of walking would get extremely uncomfortable but I tried to keep moving. My midwife told me if I had more than 6 contractions in an hour to call so after 4 hours of contractions 3-5 minutes apart Pat and I were on our way to the hospital at 7:30am on Wednesday. I was familiar with 'Medical Assessment Center' in labor and delivery because I spent a day there 10 weeks prior when our little one tried to make an early debut. Just like 10 weeks earlier I was NOT admitted, I couldn't believe it! After all of those hours I was only 1 1/2 centimeters. Christie met us at the hospital and when they said they were sending me home she said exactly what I was thinking, "...but what about the pain?!" They gave me a shot of Demerol and by the time I was dressed and wheeled out I could hardly walk. I slept and slept and slept. I vaguely remember grimacing through contractions for the remainder of the day and feeling Pat massage my back as I breathed through them at different times in the night.
Wednesday morning, the last picture taken of me pregnant!
Notice the pups in the window :)
By Thursday the back pain was constant and the contractions were not stopping. I repeatedly prayed for them to go away or that my water would break. At 3:30 pm my mom showed up and pulled me out of bed. After delivering 4 children naturally she is familiar with how the process works. First of all I got on all fours on the yoga mat and she rubbed my back as I swayed back and forth. She would have me hang from her shoulders during contractions to help me relax. We utilized the yoga ball in many different ways and went for a walk to see if it influenced the contractions (the hanging from her shoulders move probably has the neighbors thinking we are crazy). We continued this for hours. Pat came home from work and my mom left around 8:00. By this time the contractions were getting much stronger and closer together. I put Pat in charge of timing them as I swayed, walked and bounced through each one (and for any of you that might need to know, they have an app for documenting contractions!). At 11:00pm I decided I couldn't take it anymore, I was ready to go. Pat, who had been sleeping in between contractions, asked if I was sure "because we didn't want to be sent home again." Needless to say, that comment did not go over well with me and before long we were in the car and headed back to the hospital.
I didn't call the after hours number, I just walked in hospital, through labor and delivery to the Medical Assessment Center desk and told them I was in labor. They put me in one of those rooms I was all too familiar with and checked me....3 1/2 cm, thank goodness! Before this process I thought a women's pain was strictly related to how dilated she was but I guess if the baby isn't in the correct position the contractions don't influence the cervix as they are meant to and therefore cause 'back labor' (aka the worst thing EVER!). Getting to the point...all of my prayers were coming true. I was being admitted and an epidural was in my future. I cannot praise the hospital enough, the staff was the best and everything happened so quickly. Soon I was snoozing like I hadn't in days.
For months I have been worried that my water was going to break and at 4:00am on Friday it did, with a little help from my midwife. Who would have thought?! My mom arrived around 6:30am with less sleep than me and ready for a baby! Around 9:00 the nurse came in and helped me turn on my right side and after a few moments I told my mom I felt a pinch, sort of a burn. Again, after delivering babies all natural she knew that a burning sensation is felt as the baby descends. I waited a few minutes and it didn't get better so I called for my nurse. She decided to check me and said the head was "right there". She had me push a little to see how close and immediately said, " STOP, there is the head!" I yelled to wake the sleeping Daddy-to-be and at 9:20 the midwife came in. In a matter of 10 minutes I pushed 4 times, through 2 contractions then heard the midwife say, "Get your baby!"
At 9:30am on November 22 I reached down, put my hands under a tiny pair of arms and pulled a life to my chest. I tugged on the umbilical cord and heard Pat say, "Its a girl!" All of those months of waiting, all of the prayers, all of the sacrifice and she was finally here and perfectly healthy! I loved watching as Pat snapped pictures and the sound of text messages coming and going was thrilling. We are so in love!
This is what I woke up to our first morning together!
The first 24 hours of her life she was called 'Baby'. Pat
knew she was a boy so he hadn't entertained any of my girl names and I have always known if I were to have a girl I would need to meet her before I would be able to pick a fitting name. By Saturday afternoon we knew she was going to be Lily Grace Stier. Her Papa Jon solidified our decision when he arrived with a beautiful arrangement of lilies.
I am amazed at Gods design! The way our bodies work; mine with hers and hers with mine. He planned everything perfectly and, for us, everything has gone perfectly! I am aware that she is only a week old so things can and will change but she is such a good baby! I think she is taking a break after all of those months of challenging me. She is a great eater which makes her a great sleeper. Pat said the other day, "So some people have babies that cry all the time?" I responded with a huge YES! and reminded him that she was young and things can change quickly...I don't want to jinks us!
Her first doctors appointment was Monday, she was 3 days old, and it was so reassuring to hear the pediatrician rave about how good she was doing. She was up to 6lbs 12oz, after being 6lbs 10oz when the left the hospital on Sunday. I am going to take advantage of being able to brag about her while it lasts...he said she was where he would expect to see a baby twice her age (which seems funny when you think that is only a week old:)). Pat paid me a compliment by saying I was a good mother but honestly it is all her. She eats, sleeps and potties by the book. I feel so blessed that I haven't had to worry about her nutritional needs.
Daddy, daughter time!
Me and the babies.
Play date with cousin Denver.
There is only one thing better than staring at her sweet face and that is watching Pat as he interacts with her. The smile he gets on his face is one I have never seen before. I think we both appreciate one another a little more for sharing our perfect blessing, Lily. There is no more fear, no what if...life is good!